Monday, February 28, 2011

Vocab Check #2

  1. Ancilla - maidservent
  2. Baculum -
  3. cista -
  4. Cubuculum -
  5. Ecues
  6. Jainitor- doorkeeper
  7. Moter- mother
  8. Namo - name
  9. Nomen - name
  10. Nuntius - nothing
  11. Pater- father
  12. Princeps - principals
  13. Rida-
  1. Servus -
  1. Silva -
  2. Erpus - class
  3. Via-
  4. Aliuas -
  5. Acupatus
  6. Scelestus - navigate
  7. Abeo - have
  8. Agere - farm
  9. Consulere - consult
  10. Curere - take care of
  11. Coquere
  12. Ducere - two
  13. Garere - to welcome
  14. Habere - to have
  15. Erre - to wander
  16. Yacio , yacere -
  17. Lacremere - to lack
  18. Nescere - natural
  1. Absere - observe
  1. Ponere - pose
  2. Pugere - to cleanse
  3. Spectere - to inspect
  4. Stare - to stand
  5. Temptare - to tempt
  6. Trahere - to track
  7. Istas - island
  8.  arbor -tree
  9. Lupis - crazy
  10. Nihil - nothing
  11. Piscina- pesky
  12. Ramus - branch
  13. Revus - stream
  14. Tempus - temple
  15. Vila - house
  16. Ver - man
  17.  vox - voice 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Vocab practice check #2

1. cibus, -i m
2. nomen, nominis
3. Ianitor, -is
4. rivus, -i
5. mater, matris
6. villa, villae
7. raeda, -ae
8. ignavus, -a, -um
9. magnus, -a ,-um
10. omnis, -is, -e
11. salvus, -a, -um
12. tuus, -a, -um
13. vicinus, vicina, vicinum
14. adiuvo, adiuvare, adiuvi, adiutus
15. audio, audire, audivi, -itus
16. consulo, consulere, consului, consultus
17. dormio, -ire, -ivi, -iturus
18. excito, -are, -avi, -atus
19. erro, -are, -avi, -atus
20. intro, -are, -avi, -atus
21. habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus
22. observo, -are, -avi, -atus
23. repellio, -ere, reppuli, repulsus
24. revoco, -are, -avi, -atus
25. video, -ere, vidi, visus

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Misha's test vocab test

  1. aestas, aestatis - summer 
  2. advenio, advenere, adveni, adventurus - to arrive
  3. arbor, arboris - tree
  4. arripio, arripere, arripui, arreptus - to snatch
  5. dies, diei - day
  6. audio, audire, audivi, audivitus - to hear
  7. hortus, horti - garden
  8. cado, cadere, cecidi, casarus - to fall
  9. piscina, piscinae - 
  10. dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormiturus - to sleep
  11. ramus, rami - branch
  12. gemo, gemere, gemui, gemitus - to groan
  13. servus, servi - slave
  14. laboro, labare, labavi, labatus - to work
  15. silva, silvus - woods
  16. lego, legere, legi, lectus - to read
  17. tempus, temporis - time
  18. peto, petere, petivi, petitus - to seek 
  19. villa, villae - house
  20. repellio, repllere, reppuli, repulsus - to drive off
  21. vir, viri - man 
  22. rideo, ridere, risi, risurus - to laugh
  23. vox, vocis - voice 
  24. scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus - to write
  25. alter, altera, alterum - another  
  26. sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessurus - to sit
  27. frigidus, frigida, frigidum - cold 
  28. terreo, terrere, terrui, territus - to frighten 
  29. calidus, calida, calidum - warm 
  30. timeo, timere, timui - to be afraid 
  31. adhuc - still
  32. cur - 
  33. dum - while
  34. etiam - 
  35. magnus, magna, magnum - great

Vocab Check

1. advenio, -ere, adveni, adventurus-
2. amo, amare, amavi, amatus
3. arripio, arripere, arripui, arreptus
4. audio, audire, audivi, -itus
5. clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatus
6. curro, currere, cucurri, cursurus
7. excipio, -ere, excepi, exceptus
8. facio, facere, feci, factus
9. habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus
10. repellio, -ere, reppuli, repulsus
11. ager, agris
12. lupus, -i
13. puella, puellae
14. rivus, -i
15. tempus, temporis
16. vox, vocis
17. calidus, -a -um
18. iratus, iratam iratum 
19. lentus, lenta, lentum
20. multi, -ae, -a
21. rusticus, rustica, rusticum
22. salvus, -a, -um
23. solus, -a, -um
24. temerarius, -a, -um
25. vicinus, vicina, vicinum
26. adhuc
27. ecce!
26. furtim
27. hodie
28. ibi
29. quae
30. quod
31. semper
32. subito
33. tandem
34. tum
35. Ubi

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Verbs and Nouns

1. advenio-
2. ascendo
3. cado-
4. curro-
5. dormio-
6. excipio-
7. facio-
8. gemo-
9. habito-
10. laboro-
11. terreo-
12. video-
13. vexo-

1. aestas-
2. ager-
3. arbor-
4. dies-
5. hortus-
6. lupus-
7. nihil-
8. nomen-
9. piscina-
10. ramus-
11. tempus-
12. vox-

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Practice essay

The Romans and Celts both had their fair share of advantages over each other. Some of which is incredible to think about and know that Caesar and his men still won the fight in the end. Caesar shows he is a true leader by overcoming the incredible advantages the Celts have over him. The Celts had such a huge advantage of numbers that it is hard to believe that they lost the fight in the end.

One reason that the Romans had an advantage over the Celts was that had Caesar who was a brilliant mind when it came to strategy. Caesar would never attack or defend in a place where he saw he didn't have the advantage. Also another advantage the Romans had was they were very well armed and protected by their equipment. Unlike the Celts who had only what they could afford themselves to buy or make, the Romans had a uniform armor that they all wore. The Romans knew how to use what they had to their advantage because they trained very heavily in wielding the gladius and what to do with their shields. Yet another advantage the Romans had over the Celts was that they had very well structured formations and orders that they would use based on the situation. The Roman soldiers knew how to back each other up in the battlefield and showed a lot of restraint when their enemy took to flight

On the Other hand the Celts also had many advantages over the Romans. One huge advantage that the Celts had over the Romans was that the Celts greatly out numbered Caesar and his men. Another Advantage the Celts had over Caesar was that they had the moral of already beating the Romans many years ago. An Advantage the Helvetii had over the Romans was that they knew where they were going next when the Romans did not, the only thing the Romans could do was react to where the Helvetii next move was going to be.

Through the Celts enormous size the Romans still prevailed mainly thanks to the brilliant strategic mind of Caesar. One of the main thing that helped sway the thing into his favor was when he attack the remaining quarter of the Celtic forces that had not yet crossed the bridge. The men were wearing their packs and in now way ready and expecting to fight Caesar and his men. During the Battle the Celts on the other side of the bridge cut lose the the boat bridge they had built in hopes to slow Caesar down enough that they could get away while he built an new bridge. After the battle Caesar ordered his men to start construction on the new bridge, which they completed in one day leaving the Celts in shock. When they saw thins it drastically lowered their moral and helped Caesar eventually win in the final battle thanks to strategic way of thinking.

Through the disadvantages the Celts have over Caesar he still managed to win the battle in the end. Caesar used his strengths and the enemy's weaknesses to their fullest to win the battle. Caesar showed himself a true leader.