Friday, June 11, 2010

Exam Translations

1.The building formerly royal Aeginam, where his own name is seen by his mothers name Aeaci, where if joined in love. Juno, where bad habit Jupiter never able to bear, these facts understand and remember support. After many years each thing in the island Aegina live annihilation dismissed. " Oh Father Jupiter" Aeacus called "Juno all my people destroy! Help me, I son you, what love and what neglect not owed" God is listening and allowing delay to begin into human change and so Jupiter nothing who is too much difficulty, men and women compose small because living creatures. (Veritatemne says, can it not be?) Son Aeaci to be Peleus, whos son to be that Achilles, leader of Myrmidonum.

2. Oh human kind, death is beyond fear! Why danger fear death, every change flows nothing to true death come.  The souls wanders and into other mixes of people; nor remain, nor dare form keep, but in form new change. Life is a stream; time to fly and to be new always. People always change; those who do or don't after, tommorow will.

3. Hello, oh the fair! Our friend Peleus great discussion to be held; Nymph Thetidem in marriage lead. You therefore I'd love to name Thessaliam. Expect good play and pleasant food. Owe however from this danger remain: 1. Because Peleus is mortal, his spirit frightens very much powerful to be looked at. 2. Who dared without a grant, I will punish. Read noble offering who praised by all men who seem to walk.You only, oh goddess of discord, no call, for no one is loved. If only to come, each god in Olympus anger move.                 

Final Exam

ceperat- 3rd, singular, present, active indicative of cepere
iunxerat- 3rd singular present active indicative of iunxere
potuerat- 3rd singular present active indicative of potere
vivebant- 3rd plural imperfect active indicative of vivere
audivit- 3rd, singular perfect active indicative of audere meaning to call

timet- 3rd, singular, present active indicative of timere to to frighten
mutantur- 3rd, plural present passive indicative of muteri meaning to be change
venit- 3rd, singular, perfect active indicative of venere
servat- 3rd singular present active indicative of servere
erimus- 2nd singular present active indicative of erire

habet- 3rd singular present active indicative of habere meaning to have or hold
igitur- 3rd, singular present passive indicative of igiteri meaning to be annoyed
mortalis est-3rd singular present passive indicative of mortaeri meaning to be mortal
videbimur- 1st plural future passive indicative of videri meaning to be seen
negleget- 3rd, singular present active indicative of neglere meaing to neglect

igitur- 3rd, singular present passive indicative of igiteri meaning to be annoyed
scriptae erant- 3rd plural present passive indicative of scriperi meaning to write
debet- 3rd singular present active indicative of debere meaning to owe
movebitur- 3rd singular future passive indicative of moveri meaning to be changed
amore est- 3rd singular present passive indicative of amorere meaning to be loved

audivit- 3rd, singular perfect active indicative of audere meaning to call
vires erant- 3rd plural present passive indicative of virere meaning to be strong
duxerat- 3rd, singular imperfect active indicative of duxere meaning to be many
dederat- 3rd, singular imperfect active indicative of dedere to dare
poterat- 3rd, singular imperfect active indicative of potere meaning to be able

amore- love
memoeria- memory
post- after
mortem- mortal
Multos- many

humanum- human
mortem- mortal
animus- life
corpora- body
formas- form, shape

Magna- great
bonos- good
mortalis- mortal
animus- life
ominbus- powerful

Dea- goddess
vocata- word
scriptae- writing
Itaque- Italy
sententia- sentence

Factis- fact
Graecum- Greece
Misero- misery
graves- grave, important
libertatus- freedom

Friday, June 4, 2010


1. levis-
2. admitto
4. cupio
5. deleo
6. flumen
7. hostis
8. scientia
9. legere
10. movere
11. Auctor
12. familia
13. iudex
14. scelus
15. gravis
16. libero
17. genu
18. senatus
19. spiritus
20. versus
21. dexter
22. sinister
23. defendo
24. discedo
25. prohibeo

The Aged playwright

How much intellect old men do hold. If eagerness seriousness then their knowledge a wisdom remains. 
Sophocles that Greek writer, did his tragedies in his great old age;but on account of his studies he seemed to neglect his family and he was called into court by his sons. Then the author had with him such a tragedy and at the same time he wrote Oedipum Coloneum at the same time he recei. When   

Wednesday, June 2, 2010