Sunday, January 10, 2010

Early Roman timeline

1200 B.C. Beginning of the first iron age. The Latini migrate to Italy from the Danube region.
1000B.C. Latins settle in the Latium region.... Etruscan tribes move into Italy.
1000-800 B.C. First settlements on the Palatine Hill.
753 B.C. Traditional founding of Rome
753-716 B.C. Rule of Romulus 
750 B.C. Greek cities founded in Italy
715- 674 B.C. Reign of Numa Pompilius
673- 642 B.C. Reign of Tullius Hostilius
642-617 B.C. Reign of Ancus Marcius
616-579 B.C. Reign of L. Tarquinius Priscus
600 B.C. Forum in Rome is built
578 B.C. Tarquinius Priscus builds the Cloaca Maxima, the first sewer.
550 B.C. Servius Tullius builds city walls.
510 B.C. Rape of the Sabines
509 B.C. Establishment of the Roman Republic
509 B.C. The temple of Jupiter Capitolinus is built on the Capitoline Hill
508 B.C. Creation of the position of Pontifex Maximus as an official, to oversee the Rex Sacrorum
501 B.C. Appointment of the first-ever dictator, T. Larcius

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