Wednesday, March 16, 2011


obtinuerat - 3rd singular pluperfect active indicative of obtinere meaning to hold fast
appetebat - 3rd singular imperfect active indicative of indicative of appetere meaning to strive for 
erat - 3rd singular imperfect active indicative of esse meaning to be 
incendit - 3rd singular present active indicative of incendere meaning to set fire
concurritur - 3rd singular present passive indicative of concurrere meaning to run together 
existimabant - 3rd plural imperfect active indicative of existimere meaning to value 
expellitur - 3rd singular present passive indicative of expellere meaning to drive out 
destitit - 3rd singular perfect active indicative of sistere meaning to place 
habet - 3rd singular present active indicative of habere meaning to have 
adit - 3rd singular perfect active indicative of adere meaning to submit 
perducit - 3rd singular present active indicative of perducere meaning to lead through
hortatur - verb 3rd sg pres ind pass meaning to urge
capiant - verb 3rd pl pres subj act meaning to take in hand
expellit - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to drive out
appellatur - verb 3rd sg pres subj pass meaning to drive to
obtestatur - verb 3rd sg pres ind pass meaning to protest
maneant - verb 3rd pl pres subj act meaning to stay
attingunt - verb 3rd pl pres ind act meaning to touch 
defertur - verb 3rd sg pres ind pass meaning to bring away
imperat - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to command
iubet - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to impose 
constituit - verb 3rd sg perf ind act meaning to put 
studet - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to give attention 
addit - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to put to
cogit - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to drive together
necat - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to kill
remittit - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to send back
sint - verb 3rd pl pres subj act meaning to be
perterreant - verb 3rd pl pres subj act meaning to frighten 

There in the manner, Vercingetorix the son of Celtillus the Arverian, a young man of high power, whose father held the supremacy of all of Gaul, and had been put to death by his fellow citizens, for the reason that he aimed for sovereign power,  summon by his dependents, and excited them. When his design was known, they rushed to arms, he is expelled from the town of Gergovia, by his uncle Gabanitio and the rest of the nobles, who though that an enterprise should not be hazarded, he did not stop, but he hald a needy and desperate levy in the country. Having collected a body of troops, he brings his sentiment of his fellow citizens as he has access, he has them take up arms for general freedom, having grown such a force he drives his enemies from the state, whom he had expelled a short time after, He is saluted as king by his partisans, he send his ambassadors in every direction, he makes them adhere to their promise. . He quickly attaches to his interests the Senones , Parisii , Pictones, Cadurci, Turones , Aulerci, Lemovice, and all the others who border on the ocean, he has supreme command through unanimous consent. On obtaining authority, he demands hostages from all these states, he orders a certain number to be sent to him immediately, he determined what number of arms each state should have made at home, and before what time to be made, he also payed particular attention to the calvary. With his most attention he adds the the rigor of authority, the severity of the punishment gets ride of the wavering, on the committing of a greater crime he puts the perpetrators to death by fire and every sort of torture, for the smaller, he sends home the offenders with their ears cut off, or one of their eyes put out, so that they might be an example to the rest, and frighten others by the severity of the punishment.      

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