Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Roman Battles in the 4th century BC

  • 396 BC - Battle of Veii - Romans complete conquest of Etruscans
  • 390 BC - Battle of Allia River - Gauls defeat the Romans, then sack Rome.
  • 342 BC - Battle of Mount Gaurus - Roman general Marcus Valerius Corvus defeats the Samnites.
  • 341 BC - Battle of Suessola - Roman consul Marcus Valerius Corvus defeats the Samnites once more.
  • 339 BC - Battle of Vesuvius - Romans under P. Decius Mus and T. Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus defeat the rebellious Latins.
  • 338 BC - Battle of Trifanum - Roman general T. Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus decisively defeats the Latins.
  • 321 BC - Battle of the Caudine Forks - Romans under Spurius Postumius Albinus and T. Verturius Calvinus are defeated by the Samnites under Gaius Pontius.
  • 316 BC - Battle of Lautulae - Romans are defeated by the Samnites.
  • 310 BC - Battle of Lake Vadimo - Romans, led by dictator Lucius Papirius Cursor, defeat the Etruscans.
  • 305 BC - Battle of Bovianum - Roman consuls M. Fulvius and L. Postumius decisively defeat the Samnites to end the Second Samnite War.

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