Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Roman Battles in the 5th Century AD

  • 402 6 April - Battle of Pollentia - Stilicho stymies the Visigoths under Alaric.
  • 402 June - Battle of Verona - Stilicho again defeats Alaric, who withdraws from Italy.
  • 406 31 December - Battle of Mainz - between the Franks "foederati" and an alliance of Vandals, Suevi and Alans.
  • 410 24 August - Sack of Rome - Visigoths under Alaric sack Rome.
  • 432 - Battle of Ravenna - Bonifacius defeats rival Roman general Flavius Aëtius, but is mortally wounded in the process.
  • 436 - Battle of Narbonne - Flavius Aëtius again defeats the Visigoths under Theodoric I.
  • 447 - Battle of the Utus - The East Romans narrowly repulse the attack of Attila the Hun in an indecisive battle.
  • 451 June - Battle of Châlons - The Romans under General Flavius Aëtius, and Visigoths under King Theodoric I, repulse the attack of Attila the Hun. Theodoric is killed in the battle.
  • 455 - Sack of Rome by Geiseric, King of the Vandals
  • 486 - Battle of Soissons - Clovis I defeats Syagrius, last Roman commander in Gaul, and annexes the Roman rump state into the Frankish realm.
  • 493 - Battle of Mons Badonicus - Romano-British under Ambrosius Aurelianus decisively defeat the Anglo-Saxon invaders.

1 comment:

  1. A) These lists of battles don't really demonstrate anything other than the ability to cut and paste a list.

    B) There are no citations to your sources for any of these.

    I'm looking for your ideas and your opinions, things that you find interesting and things that you can engage with. I'm not looking for lists put together at the last minute just to bolster the number of posts on your blog.
