Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Parsing 16

1. vivebant- 3rd, plural, imperfect, active, indicative of vivere meaning to live
2. mittebat- 3rd, singular, imperfect, active, indicative of mittere meaning to send
3. eiecerunt- 3rd, plural, future, active, indicative of eiece meaning to cast or throw away
4. timuerunt- 3rd, plural, future, active indicative of timuere meaning to fear
5. dilexit- 3rd person, singular present active indicative of dilexere meaning to love
6. vitavit- 3rd person, singular present, active, indicative of vitere meaning to shun
7. iunxit- 3rd person, singular present, active, indicative of iunxere meaning to join
8. stabam- 1st, singular imperfect, active, indicative of stare meaning to stand
9. exspectabam- 1st, imperfect, active, indicative of exspectere meaning to look out for
10. currebat- 3rd, imperfect, active, indicative of currere meaning to run
11.mutavit- 3rd, present, active, indicative of mutere meaning to move

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