Friday, April 16, 2010


There are many legends and stories about Sparta. One is that the son of Zeus, Lacedaemon founded the city. He married a women named Sparta, the daughter of Eurotas. The Spartans had many ways to make sure that they would only have the healthiest men and women. As soon as the child was born the mother would wash it with wine, if it was weak it would soon die. Later it was brought by his father to the elders who would inspect the infant for any deformities. If the child was small or had any deformations it was thrown into the Kaiada. This was a chasm at the cliff of mount Taygetos. At the age of seven the child was taken from his family. They were trained to take orders from  a senior spartan officer. They were also taught gymnastics, running, jumping, throwing a spear, discus. They were taught to endure hardship and pain, hunger, thirst, cold, fatigue, and lack of sleep. They would wear the same cloth year round, even in the winter. At the age of 20 the Spartan men would begin their service in the military. At the age of 30 he would become a full citizen. This is how Sparta became one of the greatest military powers in Greece.          

1 comment:

  1. You must include sources in your blogposts. Without sources, the posts are incomplete.
