Thursday, June 9, 2011

Exam Part 1

Latin II Final Exam
R. Richard Wojewodzki

1. Go to Gallic Wars in Latin Library: choose, ID, and parse 25 verbs. 10%
2. Choose and translate 25 common nouns.10%
3. ID 5 relative clauses. 10%
4. Explain three uses of the subjunctive mood. 10%
5. Give the principle parts of 5 verbs of your choosing. 10%
6. Translate Cae. 1.1 - 1.3; 7.1 - 7.2 25% (may use dictionary)
7. Five paragraph academic essay: Using the original Latin to support your claims, identify and show examples of Caesar's biases against the Celts. 25%

1.venit - 3rd singular perfect active indicative of venere
2. concurrunt - 3rd plural present active indicative of concurrere meaning to bring together 
3. constiterant - 3rd plural present active indicative of constitere
4.  praeerat - 3rd singular present active indicative of praeere meaning to do
5. interficiunt - 3rd plural present active indicative of interficire meaning to be in between
6. diripiunt - 3rd plural present active indicative of diripire meaning to go down 
7. perfertur - 3rd singular imperfect passive indicative of perfertere meaning to prefer 
8. incidit - 3rd singular present active indicative of incidere meaning 
9. significant - 3rd plural present active indicative of significare meaning to be important 
10. excipiunt - 3rd plural present active indicative of excipire meaning to welcome 
11. tradunt - 3rd plural present active indicative of tradere meaning to cross 
12. accidit - 3rd singular perfect active indicative of accidere meaning to do on accident 
13. essent - 3rd plural present active indicative of esse meaning to be 
14. sunt - 3rd plural present active indicative of esse meaning to be 
15. intellegeret - 3rd singular present active indicative of intellegere meaning to inform 
16. est - 3rd singular present active indicative of esse meaning to be 
17. venisset - 3rd singular present active indicative of venissere meaning  

18. adficiebatur - 3rd singular imperfect passive indicative of adifecire meaning to be 
19. posset - 3rd singular present active indicative of posse meaning to be able 
20.  arcesseret - 3rd singular present active indicative of arcessere meaning 
21. intellegebat - 3rd plural imperfect active indicative of intellegere meaning to inform 
22. contenderet - 3rd singular present active indicative of contendere meaning to go against
23. viderentur - 3rd plural present passive indicative of videre meaning to be seen 
24. videbat - 3rd singular imperfect active indicative of videre meaning to see 
25. itinere - 1st singular active infinitive meaning to journey 

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