Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Practice Exam - completed


1. annus - year
2. auxilium - help
3. brevis - short
4. canis - dog
5. cibus -
6. coepisse - 
7. cras - tomorrow
8. dare - to give 
9. deus - god
10. docere - 
11. ego - I
12. fortis - strong
13. laudare - to praise
14. mater - mother 
15. pars - parts
16. plus - more
17. pugnare - 
18. punire - 
19. regere - 
20. rex - king
21. scribere - to write
22. semper - always
23. silva - woods
24. summus - highest
25. urbs - city
26. dies, diei - day
27. nomen - name
28. silva - woods
29. vox - voice
30. calidus - fire
31. curo, curare - to care for
32. observo, abservare - to expect
33. saluto, salutare - 
34. porta - gate
35. tunica - tunic
36. fatuus - silly
37. longus - long
38. tardus - slow
39. lectus - read
40. neco, necare - to kill 
41. vigilo, vigilare - remain
42. heri - 
43. post - after 
44. arcus - arch 
45. moles - mountain
46. turba - 
47. uxor - wife 
48. aedehficio - 
49. stupeo, stupere - to make stupid
50. maximus - largest 

Verb Parsing: 
[3] Vbi ea dies venit, Carnutes Cotuato et Conconnetodumno ducibus, desperatis hominibus, Cenabum signo dato concurrunt civesque Romanos, qui negotiandi causa ibi constiterant, in his Gaium Fufium Citam, honestum equitem Romanum, qui rei frumentariae iussu Caesaris praeerat, interficiunt bonaque eorum diripiunt. Celeriter ad omnes Galliae civitates fama perfertur. Nam ubicumque maior atque illustrior incidit res, clamore per agros regionesque significant; hunc alii deinceps excipiunt et proximis tradunt, ut tum accidit. Nam quae Cenabi oriente sole gesta essent, ante primam confectam vigiliam in finibus Arvernorum audita sunt, quod spatium est milium passuum circiter centum LX.

venit - 3rd singular perfect active indicative of venere meaning to come

concurrunt - 3rd plural present active indicative of concurrere meaning 
constiterant - 3rd plural present active indicative of constiterare meaning 
praeerat - 3rd singular present active indicative of praeere meaning
interficiunt - 3rd plural present active indicative of interficiere meaning in between 
diripiunt - 3rd plural present active indicative of diripere meaning to plunder
perfertur - 3rd singular present passive indicative of perfere meaning 
incidit - 3rd singular perfect active indicative of incidere meaning to cut 
significant - 3rd plural present active indicative of significare meaning to signify 
tradunt - 3rd plural present active indicative of tradere meaning

Realative clause/ Purpose clause/ and five nouns:
[6] His rebus in Italiam Caesari nuntiatis, cum iam ille urbanas res virtute Cn. Pompei commodiorem in statum pervenisse intellegeret, in Transalpinam Galliam profectus est. Eo cum venisset, magna difficultate adficiebatur, qua ratione ad exercitum pervenire posset. Nam si legiones in provinciam arcesseret, se absente in itinere proelio dimicaturas intellegebat; si ipse ad exercitum contenderet, ne eis quidem eo tempore qui quieti viderentur suam salutem recte committi videbat.

??????? i need help with this
[2] His rebus agitatis profitentur Carnutes se nullum periculum communis salutis causa recusare principesque ex omnibus bellum facturos pollicentur et, quoniam in praesentia obsidibus cavere inter se non possint ne res efferatur, ut iureiurando ac fide sanciatur, petunt, collatis militaribus signis, quo more eorum gravissima caerimonia continetur, ne facto initio belli ab reliquis deserantur. Tum collaudatis Carnutibus, dato iureiurando ab omnibus qui aderant, tempore eius rei constituto ab concilio disceditur.

While these things were in motion, the Carnutes declare that there would be no decline to danger for the sake of general safety, and they would be first to start war, and since they presently cannot take any precautions, by giving and receiving hostages, the affair will not be solved, they require a solemn assurance given by oath and honor their military standards are being brought together, at which time the obligations are made binding that they will not desert the rest of Gaul when the war starts.

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