Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chapter 3 sententiae

1.Must, friend, down is the roman peoples thinking

2.Horace, my friend Agustus, I have numerous friends

3.My little book and feeling my life warning man

4.Usually man is eager for wisdom

5.Luck opposite man, large wisdom will not frighten

Monday, September 28, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009


Pompeii was once baried under ash from a major volcano expolsion. 79 A.D. Mt. Vesuvius had a loung catasrophic eruption lasting two days. The volcano put 60 feet of ash over the city. Because of the ash it preserved the people that died from the eruption. You could almost say that popeii is a time capsul. You can see exactly what the people were doing just befor they died.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Roman Mythology

Roman Mythology was adapted from the Greek mythology. Some of the early roman mythology was about the romans and how their city was developed. It is their belief that the trojains were actually their ancestors. The reason that the romans chose the uniforms for their soldiers is because they wanted it to look something like the trojians. When the romans started tocommunicate with the greeks they adopted their gods, and changed their names up a little.

Rome Time Line

753 B.C.- The founding date of Rome by Romulous
715 B.C.- founding of the Roman senate
554 B.C.- The last Roman king Lucius Tarquinius Superbus built the temple of Jupitor
509 B.C.- the begining of the Roman Republic
447 B.C.- The tribal assembally was created, first time two quaestors were elected
396 B.C.- Rome captures, and sacks the city of Etruscan. Roman soldiers earned their first salary
390 B.C.- The Guals bet the romans in the battle of Allia, later the Guals would sack Rome.
343 B.C.- The Begining of the first Saminite war
340 B.C.- Rome enters the Latin war on the side f the saminites
663 A.D.- Constans II was the last emporer of rome

Ares story

This mourning i wake up on my luxurious bed on Mt. Olympus to the sound of my cult requesting my help in an upcomeing battle against the Athenians. I was all to happy to ablige. It's about time I get to fight my rival Athna again. Oh how I will relish her defeat. I shall give the solders the strength of hercules, and the skill and persion of Achellies. I shall rain death down on those blasted Athenians. And if I am lucky enough i will have the privledge of comfronting Athena on the battle field. I will surely make sure that the spartans crush the Athenians.


Ares is the Greek god of war. He is more acuratly know as the god of bloodlust. Ares in an important olympic god in epic tradition. Ares was not trusted by Hellenes, because Ares was known for unpredictable violence. His birth place and was far off and barbarion like Thracians. Athena and Ares were enemys. Ares had a quadriga, which was a chariot drawn by four horses covered in flames. Amoung the gods he was recognized by his shinning gold armor

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Numa Pompilius

He was born April 21, 753 B.C., He later died at 673 B.C. As a child he was banned from his home and luxury. Authors say that he had one girl; Pompilia, and five boys;  Pomponii, Pinarii, Calpurnii, Aemilii, and Pompilii. In 717 B.C. After Romulus's death the roman snate elected Numa to be the next king. At first he refused, but his father persuaded to accept. Jupitor was cosolted on this and the omen were "favorable". The first thing Numa did was construct the temple of Janus. When Numa died he was suceded by Tullus Hostilius.

Pontifex Maximus

The word Pontifex Maximus means "Greatest Bridge-Builder". This was the most important position in Rome. The Pontifex Maximus is the learder a a "state cult" which was the polytheistic amcient Roman reliogion.The Pontifex Maximus was not just simply a priest, he had religous and political power. No one knows wich one was more important. The main job of the pontifex was to keep peace with the Gods. Later when the catholics came aloung they adapted their own use for the tittle.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Parsing project

Vocat- 1st person, singular, present, active, Dative of vacatum, meaning to call or summon

Erro- 1st person, singular, future, active, Nominative of erro, meaning to err

Festina- 2nd person, singular, present, active, indicative of festinare, meaning to hasten

Laudas- 2nd person, singular, present, active, accusative of laudo, meaning to praise

Peccamus- 1st person, singular, present, active, ablative of pecco, meaning to sin

Cogitare- 1st person, singular, present, active, ablative of cogito, meaning to think.

Conservate- 2nd person, singular, active, indicative of conservo, meaning to preserve

Volat- 2nd person, singular, active, indicative of volo, meaning to fly

Amat- 1st person, singular, active, indicative of amo, meaning to love

Terret- 1st person, singular, active, indicative of terreo, meaning to frighten

Servat- 1st person, singular, active, indicative of servo, meaning to perserve

Videmus- 1st person, singular, active, indicative of video, meaning to see or observe

Cito- 2nd person, singular, active, indicative of cito, meaning quickly

Valeo- 1st person, singular, active, indicative of valeo, meaning to be stroung

Vocant- 2nd person, plural, active, indicative of voco, meaning to call

Cogitare- 1st person, singular, active, indicative of cogito, meaning to think

Respondere- 1st person, singuler, active, indicative of respondeo, meaning respond

Friday, September 18, 2009

Where else in the world are the romance is the romance launguage spoken

The romance launguages are comenly known as Spanish, Portuguese, Freench, Italian, Romainian, and Catalan. These launguages can be heard in alot of places in our world. Much of South America speaks one of the romance launguages; French. Most Latin America speaks their own form of spanish, another one of the romance launguages. The romance launguages can trace their origins down to Latin. With the expanshion of the empire the latin launguage expanded with it. Then later turned into all the romance lauguages we know today. Much of Eastern and western romania speaks a romance launguage. The most domanant romance launguage is spanish, which strarted in spain, and later moved over to the Americas. The romance launguges can a good portion of our earth today. From southern Canada, to South America, Then back to eastern Europe.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Romulus and Remus

Romulus and Remus were the origanal founders rome accoriding to mythology. In the myth there were twin sons Vestal Virgin Reha Silva, and fathered by Mars the god of war. According to Plutarch and Livy, Romulus was the first King of Rome. Romulus became King of Rome because he killed his brother Remus with a shovel.

Romulus killed Remus because the two brothers were haveing a dispute over who had the support of the local deiteies to rule over the new city and give it theor name. Supposedly Romulus was standing on one hill and Remus on another, and a flock of birds flew over Romulus signifying that Romulus should be King.

After Romulus  founded Rome, Romulus created the Roman senate and the Roman Legions. He also added citizens bt abducting women from near by Sabine tribes. Romulus would later become ancient Romes greatest conquerer, by adding large amounts of land and people to the domain of Rome. After Romulus died he was named as the god Quirinus.