Monday, September 14, 2009

Romulus and Remus

Romulus and Remus were the origanal founders rome accoriding to mythology. In the myth there were twin sons Vestal Virgin Reha Silva, and fathered by Mars the god of war. According to Plutarch and Livy, Romulus was the first King of Rome. Romulus became King of Rome because he killed his brother Remus with a shovel.

Romulus killed Remus because the two brothers were haveing a dispute over who had the support of the local deiteies to rule over the new city and give it theor name. Supposedly Romulus was standing on one hill and Remus on another, and a flock of birds flew over Romulus signifying that Romulus should be King.

After Romulus  founded Rome, Romulus created the Roman senate and the Roman Legions. He also added citizens bt abducting women from near by Sabine tribes. Romulus would later become ancient Romes greatest conquerer, by adding large amounts of land and people to the domain of Rome. After Romulus died he was named as the god Quirinus.

1 comment:

  1. This is just the story not anything about there lives.
