Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rome Time Line

753 B.C.- The founding date of Rome by Romulous
715 B.C.- founding of the Roman senate
554 B.C.- The last Roman king Lucius Tarquinius Superbus built the temple of Jupitor
509 B.C.- the begining of the Roman Republic
447 B.C.- The tribal assembally was created, first time two quaestors were elected
396 B.C.- Rome captures, and sacks the city of Etruscan. Roman soldiers earned their first salary
390 B.C.- The Guals bet the romans in the battle of Allia, later the Guals would sack Rome.
343 B.C.- The Begining of the first Saminite war
340 B.C.- Rome enters the Latin war on the side f the saminites
663 A.D.- Constans II was the last emporer of rome

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