Monday, October 26, 2009

Chapter 5 exercises

1. lauda-bo, I shall praise
    lauda-ba-m, i was praising
    laudabimus, we shall praise
    laudabamus, we were praising
2. yes
3. bo
4. bamus- we were
    bit- he she it will
    bitis- you will
    bo- I shall
    bunt- they will
    bat- he was
5. e apears in feminine and nueter forms
6. Because the english words are similar to the latin words
7. manebant- they were staying
    manebit- he will stay remain
    manebimus- we shall remain
    dabam- I was giving
    dabitis-you will give
    dabit- he will give
    videbis- you will see
    videbimus- we shall see
    vocabant- they were calling
    vocabis- you will call
    habebis-you will hold
    habebant- they were holding
8. dabimus
9. I think our teacher will think of you tommorow
10.Liberty men were above our danger
11.Our son loves beautiful girls
12.Our friend will not remain in numerous fools
13.We were holding many faults and always we held
14.Our soul is not above great danger
15.Our fatherland's liberties are beautiful    
16.Are man's liberties; You will hold beautiful fatherland 
17.They were giving the teacher 1ibertie duty and care
18.To want in our fatherland therefore we shall be aboue
19.If angered then you will be above, and you will be above

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sicily timeline

800-400 BC: The tribes on the island flourished
734 BC: Naxos was founded by the greeks
730 BC: Zankle-Messene was founded by the greeks
729 BC: Kantane was founded by the greeks
700 BC: Motya and Panormus was founded by carthage
688 BC: Gela was founded by the greeks
409 BC: Carthage attacks and destroys Selinus
397 BC: Carthaginain Motya falls to Dionysus of Syracuse
264 BC: The first Punic war
241 BC: the first punic war ends
212 BC: Syracuse falls to the Romans
210 BC: Rome takes complete controll of Sicily

Roman Wars

396 BC: Rome conqures the Etruscan city Veii
387 BC: Guals/Celts sack Rome
308 BC: Rome conqures the Etruscan cityTarquinia
295 BC: Rome defeats the Guals/Celts in Northern Itlay
275 BC: Rome conqures southern Italy
264 BC: Rome fights the first punic war
225 BC: Guals invade Rome
222 BC: the invadeing guals are defeated
218 BC: Hannibal invades Itlay
202 BC: Scipio defeates Hannibal
149 BC: Rome destroys Carthage

Roman Legions

The roman legion was made of 6,000 men. There were many groupes in this legion. One was Contubernium wich cnsited of 8 men. Then there was the Centuria wich consisted of 10 contubernium, with a total of 80 men. Next is the Cohorts which included 6 centuria with a total of 480 men. After that was the Legion which had 10 cohorts, and in addition 120 cavalry with each legion.


Athena was the goddess of wise counsel, war, the defence of towns, and crafts. She had crested helm, and armed with a sheild and spear. Her parents were Zeus and Metis. It is said that Athena was born from the head of Zues. Athena was also created with the invention of the plough and rake, she also created the olive tree. At the begining of spring thanks were offered to her in advance.

Sententiae Antiquae pg 29

1. est-1st person, infintive meaning is
2.infortunatus- 1st preson, infinitive of informatus meaning unfortunate
3.bonus- 1st person, infinitive of bonus meaning good or kind
4.fama- 1st person, infinitive of fama meaning rumor, or fame
5. Errare- 1st person, singular, present, active, indicative of erro meaning to error
6. beatum- 3rd person singular, present active, indicative of beatus meaning happy
7. Remedium- 1st person

Chapter 4 8-26

8. Peace is good
9. Many wars do not maintain peace
10.The Danger is great
11.We are in great danger
12.Peace often has danger
13.Life is not without much danger
14.They love men of good peace
15.The foolish handsome man praises danger
17.Roman people do not have good peace

Monday, October 19, 2009

Chapter 5 Review

semper- 1st person, infinitive of semper meaning always
multos- 2nt person, plural, present, active, indicative of multo meaning to punish
adiuvabunt- 1st person, singular, present active, indicative of adiuvo meaning help, or aid
malorum- 1st person, singular, present, active, indicative of malo meaning to want
superabat- 1st person, singular, present, active, indicative of supero meaning to be above
manebant- 1st person, singular, present, active, indicative of maneo meaning remain, or stay
cogitabent- 1st person, singular, present, active, indicative of cogitare meaning to think or ponder
culpa-1st person, singular, present, active, imparative of culpo meaning to blame
habes- 2st person, plural, present active, indicative of habeo meaning to have, or hold
est- 1st person imparative of est meaning is
dabat- 1st person, singular, present, active, indicative of debeo meaning to owe

Friday, October 16, 2009

Favorite greek god god

My favorite grek god is easily Ares. He is my favorite because he is the god of war, and courage. Ares was the son of Zues and Hera. Ares loves war, while many of his relitives have their own parts in war. For instance, Athena protects in war, Eris calls forth war, and Zues dirrects it. Ares is the strength in war, Ares id not so much the god of war as much as he is the tumult. Ares loves the roars of battle, and the slaughter of men. Ares is not a "party-spirit", basically saying he'll help one side one time and maybe the other side the next. Because of Ares attitude and ways he was hated by many of the other gods, even by his own parents. When th gods started to get involved in the wars of the mortals Athena would many times fight against Ares. Athena would win by thrown a huge boulder at Ares. Ares is my favorite god because he is such a powerful, and ruthles god.

Chapter 3 7-24

7. Vale= 1st person, singular, present, active, indicative of 'valeo' meaning 'to be stroung'
8. laudat= 3rd peron, plural, present, active, indicative of 'laudo' meaning 'to praise'
9. serva= 1st person, singular, present, active, indicative of 'servo' meaning 'to preserve'
10.magnus= 1st person, plural, present, active, indicative of magna meaning large or great
11. amant= 3rd person, plural, present, active, indicative of amo meaning to love
12. datis= 3rd person, singular, present active, indicative of do meaning to give
13. video= 1st person singular, present, active, meaning to see
14. amicum= 1st person, singular, prensent, active, indicative of amica meaining friend
15. videt= 3rd  person, singular, present, active, indicative of video meaning to see
16. monere= 2nd person, singular, present, active, indicative of moneo meaning to remind
17. laudare= 1st person, singular, present, active, meaning to think
18. viris= 2nd person, plural, present, active, indicative of vir meaning man or hero
19. habes= 2nd person, plural, present, active, indicative of habeo meaning to have or hold
20. magni= 1st person, plural, present, active, indicative of magna meaning large or great
21. cigitat= 3rd person, singular, present, active, indicative of cogito meaning to think

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapter 2 18-27

18. Laudare puellan debent- The Girl aught to praise
19. Vita multis puellis fortunam dat- Life gives girls much fortune
20. Vitam meam pecunia tua conservas- My life preserves your homeland
21. Fama est nihil sine fortuna- Rumor is not without luck
22. Vitam sine percunia non amatis- You love life without money
23. Sine fama et fortuna partia non valet-

Chapter 2 9-27

9. Vale, patria mea- Stoung, my father land
10. Fortuna puellae est magna- A lucky girls is important
11. Puella frotunam patriae tuae laudat- You are to praise a fortunate girl
12. O puella, patriam tuam serva- Oh girl, save your fathers land
13. Multae puellae pecuniam amant- Many girls love money
14. Puella, nihil datis- Girls, give nothing
15. Pecuniam puellae videt- Girls see money
16. Pecuniam puellarum non vides- Girls do not see money
17. Monere puelas debemus- Reming gorls to owe
18. Laudare puellam debent- Praise the girl that owes
19. vita multis puellis fortunam dat-

Battle of Cannae

I the second punic war Hanninbal wanted to bring the war over on Roman ground. To get there Hannibal would go across spain winning two battles. After he crossed Spain he would cross the alps in the dead of winter. He would lose many elephants alooung the way. Then after he crossd the alps he headed for Italy. Hannibal knew he didn't have enough men to lay seige to Rome. The Romans not likeing the fact that Hannibal was on their land. So the romans sent out 8 Legions to attack Hannibal and his men. Hannibal knew he was drastically outnumbered. He came up with a bow shape formation facing the romans. The romans atacked, and fell for hannibals trap. The Carthaginains surrounded the romans killing them. In four hours Hannibals fources killed 10,000 Romans. While suffering minimal loses.

Friday, October 9, 2009

1st person- o or m, meaing I
2nd person- s which corresponds to you
3rd person- t which corresponds to he, she, it

1st person- mus which corresponds to we
2nd person- tis which corrisponds to you
3rd person- nt which corrisponds to they

Exercises for chapter 1

1. he, she, it. we. I. they. you. you
2.monere- to remind, advise
   videre- to see
   valere- to be stroung
   debere- to owe
3.vocare-to call
   servare- to preserve
   dare- to give
   cogitare- to ponder or think                        
   laudare- to praise
   amare- to love
   errare-to wander
4.voca- to speak
   serva- to preserve
   da- to give
   cogita- to think or ponder
   lauda- to praise
   ama- to love
   mone- to remind
   vide- to see
   vale- to be stoung
5.vocate- to call
   servate- to preserve
   date- to give
   cogitate- to think or ponder
   laudate- to praise
   amate- to love
   monete- to remind
   videte- to see
   valete- to be stroung
6.vocat-to call