Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapter 2 9-27

9. Vale, patria mea- Stoung, my father land
10. Fortuna puellae est magna- A lucky girls is important
11. Puella frotunam patriae tuae laudat- You are to praise a fortunate girl
12. O puella, patriam tuam serva- Oh girl, save your fathers land
13. Multae puellae pecuniam amant- Many girls love money
14. Puella, nihil datis- Girls, give nothing
15. Pecuniam puellae videt- Girls see money
16. Pecuniam puellarum non vides- Girls do not see money
17. Monere puelas debemus- Reming gorls to owe
18. Laudare puellam debent- Praise the girl that owes
19. vita multis puellis fortunam dat-

1 comment:

  1. 9. Farewell my homeland
    10. The fortune of the girls is great
    11. The girls praise the fortune of your country
    12. Oh girl save your country
    16. You don't see the gorls money
    17. We aught to remind the girls
