Friday, October 16, 2009

Favorite greek god god

My favorite grek god is easily Ares. He is my favorite because he is the god of war, and courage. Ares was the son of Zues and Hera. Ares loves war, while many of his relitives have their own parts in war. For instance, Athena protects in war, Eris calls forth war, and Zues dirrects it. Ares is the strength in war, Ares id not so much the god of war as much as he is the tumult. Ares loves the roars of battle, and the slaughter of men. Ares is not a "party-spirit", basically saying he'll help one side one time and maybe the other side the next. Because of Ares attitude and ways he was hated by many of the other gods, even by his own parents. When th gods started to get involved in the wars of the mortals Athena would many times fight against Ares. Athena would win by thrown a huge boulder at Ares. Ares is my favorite god because he is such a powerful, and ruthles god.

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