Monday, October 12, 2009

Battle of Cannae

I the second punic war Hanninbal wanted to bring the war over on Roman ground. To get there Hannibal would go across spain winning two battles. After he crossed Spain he would cross the alps in the dead of winter. He would lose many elephants alooung the way. Then after he crossd the alps he headed for Italy. Hannibal knew he didn't have enough men to lay seige to Rome. The Romans not likeing the fact that Hannibal was on their land. So the romans sent out 8 Legions to attack Hannibal and his men. Hannibal knew he was drastically outnumbered. He came up with a bow shape formation facing the romans. The romans atacked, and fell for hannibals trap. The Carthaginains surrounded the romans killing them. In four hours Hannibals fources killed 10,000 Romans. While suffering minimal loses.

1 comment:

  1. Please pay attention to grammar and capitalization. I expect your blog posts to match the academic expectations you'd have for standard essays.
