Thursday, February 4, 2010

Alexander the Great

  • Born in Macedonia 
  • He proclaimed that Zeus was his father
  • Philip created the state of Macedonia in 20 years
  • His mother was addicted to ancient cults
  • When he was a boy his father told him'Find another kingdom my boy, Macedonia is not big enough for you'.
  • At 19 Alexander's father was murdered
  • He set out for Persia in 347 BC
  • Alexander's journey took him almost to Persia
  • Alexander paid a visit to Troy, claiming that Asia was his by right
  • It is said that he took Achilles shield with him from Troy
  •  Alexander looked for help from Apollo
  • When Alexander went down in the shrine the magical spring started flowing again
  • Afealties lead a raid to burn Alexander's towers and rams
  • Macedonians reserves helped sway the battle and the Macedonians won
  • Alexander didn't always think things out ahead, and he was a lucky way
  • Alexander was a stubborn man 
  • Alexander cut an undo able knot
  • After that night there was a huge storm, the gods were with him
  • They called Alexander the two horned one
  • Darius started for Alexander's army, with an army two times the size of Alexander's
  • Alexander smashed the Persian army in the first minute of the battle 
  • Alexander built a cause way to get to an island, and is still there today
  • Gaza was destroyed by Alexander because they resisted
  • They again called Alexander the devil, the two horned one
  • After that Alexander entered Egypt
  • Alexander entered as a liberator
  • Alexander built a great new harbor, called Alexandria
  • He built many Alexandria's after the first
  • Alexander was STILL seeking signs from the gods
  • Zeus was was on the sacred hill where he was believed to speak directly to people
  • He was greeted as the son of god
  • Alexander beet Darius with a very risk and strategic move 
  • Alexander was heading for the heart of Persia
  • Alexander took a short cut through the mountains to take the Persians by surprise 

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