Sunday, May 23, 2010


Bellerophontes was one of the greatest of the Greek heroes. he was born in Corinth. His father was Poseidon and mother wwas the queen of Corinth .When he was young he captured a winged horse or Pegasus as it drank from the towns water. He was later exiled for the murder of a relative. He traveled to the court of King Proitos in Argos. There the Queen Stheneboia fell in love with him. When he turned her down she went to the king and told him that Bellerophontes tried to violate her. Proitos sent him to king Iobates in Lykia with an enclosed letter which made a request that the boy be put to death. Iobates was reluctant so he sent Bellerophontes to kill the fire breathing Chimera which was revenging the land. He succeeded and returned alive. The King then sent him to kill the Solymoi tribe, and then the Amazons. And yet again he was victorious. The King finally told his to ambush and kill the boy, but Bellerophontes slewed them all. The king then realized that Bellerophontes was the son of a god. He welcomed him into his house as son-in-law and heir. That was not good enough for Bellerophontes, so he decided to ride up to heaven on his Pegasus. This greatly angered Zeus, so he sent gladfly to sting the horse. This caused the horse to buck and send Bellerophontes back down to earth. He would wander earth hated by both men and gods. 


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