Friday, May 14, 2010

Chapter 18 Review

1. Go through the practice and reveiw, and Sententia Antique. find 10 passive verbs and pare them
2. Chapter 18 review do 1, 2, and 6
3. Translate Odd numbered Sententia Antique

1. terrentur- 3rd, plural, present, passive, indicative of terreor meaning to be frightened
delebitur- 3rd, singular, future, passive, indicative of deleor meaning to be destroyed
laudabatur- 3rd, singular, imperfect, passive, indicative of laudor meaning to be praised
iuvabamur- 1st, plural, imperfect, passive, indicative of iuvor meaning to be helped
moventur- 3rd, singular, present, passive, indicative of moveor meaning to be moved
delebantur- 3rd, plural, imperfect, passive, indicative of deleor meaning to be destroyed
videntur- 3rd, plural, present, passive, indicative of videor meaning to be seen
terrentur- 3rd, plural, present, passive, indicative of terreor meaning to be frightened
corporidatur- 3rd, singular, imperfect, passive, indicative of corporior meaning to be ruined
habetur- 3rd, singular, present, passive, indicative of habeor meaning to be held

2. The passive voice speaks of the recipient of the action.

The ablative of means is the object, and the ablative of the agent is the person doing to the action.

we shall be
you were being
he was being
you will be
they will be
we were being
he will be
you were being
you will be
they were being

3. Possunt quia posse videntur
They were able because they were able to be seen

Tua consilia sunt clara nobis; teneris scienta horum civium omnium
We your bright counsel; hold all knowledge of these citizens

Fas est ab hoste doceri
It is right from the enemy teachings

7. Haec est nunc vita mea: admitto et saluto bonos viros qui ad me veniunt; deinde aut scribo aut lego; post haec omne tempus corpori datur
What is life now: admit and greet good men and from me come;

1 comment:

  1. I or we shall... any one else will

    They are able because the seem to be able

    your plans are clear to us, your being held by the knowledge of all of these people
