Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chapter 19

 1. Identify and parse 5 verbs in paragraph on 121
mutantur- 3rd, plural, present, passive, indicative of mutanteri meaning to be changed
fluunt- 3rd, plural, present, active, indicative fluere meaning to flow
venit- 3rd, singular, perfect, indicative of venere meaning to come
miscetur- 3rd, singular, present, passive, indicative of misceri meaning to be mixed
manet- 3rd, singular, present, active, indicative of manere meaning to remain

5 verb parse in Ceicero parapgraph
tenent- 3rd, plural, present, active, indicative of tenere meaning to fear
remanent- 3rd, plural, present, active, indicative of remanere meaning to remain
manent- 3rd, plural, present, active, indicative of manere meaning to remain
neglegere- infinitive meaning to disregard
vocatus est- 3rd, singular, present active, indicative of vocari meaning to be called

2. Translate sententiae antique 120 1-3
   1) Possunt quia posse videntur
They are able because they seem to be able
   2) Etiam Fortes viri subitis periculis saepe terrentur
Even strong men often fear sudden danger
   3) Tua consilia sunt clara nobis; teneris scientia horum civium omnium
We see your plan clearly; you will hold the knowledge of all these citizens

3. Translate sententiae Antigue 126 1-3
1) What is the nature of the soul? It is mortal
2) These arguments were seen grave and certain
3) What ought we to do about these men and their crimes
4. Give 4 strong reasons why you'd suggest to take Latin
My first reason is that it has greatly improved my vocabulary skills in English
Another Reason is that you become really close friends with the students in your class
Also you don't only learn about the language you learn where it came from and the culture that it came from
Finally It will help in the future in learning other languages that have derived from Latin 

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