Wednesday, April 6, 2011

7.6 practice

His rebus in Italiam Caesari nuntiatis, cum iam ille urbanas res virtute Cn. Pompei commodiorem in statum pervenisse intellegeret, in Transalpinam Galliam profectus est. Eo cum venisset, magna difficultate adficiebatur, qua ratione ad exercitum pervenire posset. Nam si legiones in provinciam arcesseret, se absente in itinere proelio dimicaturas intellegebat; si ipse ad exercitum contenderet, ne eis quidem eo tempore qui quieti viderentur suam salutem recte committi videbat.

nuntiatis - 2nd plural present indicative of nuntiatere meaning to announce 
intellegeret - 3rd singular present passive indicative of intellegere meaning to come to know
est - 3rd singular present active indicative of esse meaning to be
posset - 3rd singular present active indicative of posse meaning to be able 
contenderet - 3rd singular present passive indicative of contendere meaning to stretch 

Caesari - Caesar, -ae
Cn. - Cneius, -ae
Transalpinam - Transalpina, -ae
Galliam - Gallia, -ae
legiones - legiona, -ae
provinciam - provincia, -ae

These things being announced to Caesar in Italy, at the time he understood that the matters in the city by the effort of Cneius Pompey was put into an orderly state, he set out for Transalpine Gaul. When he'd come to Gaul it was of great difficulty to ascertain by what calculation he would be able to reach his troops. 

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