Thursday, April 28, 2011

7.8 Check

His rebus comparatis, represso iam Lucterio et remoto, quod intrare intra praesidia periculosum putabat, in Helvios proficiscitur. Etsi mons Cevenna, qui Arvernos ab Helviis discludit, durissimo tempore anni altissima nive iter impediebat, tamen discussa nive sex in altitudinem pedum atque ita viis patefactis summo militum sudore ad fines Arvernorum pervenit. Quibus oppressis inopinantibus, quod se Cevenna ut muro munitos existimabant, ac ne singulari quidem umquam homini eo tempore anni semitae patuerant, equitibus imperat, ut quam latissime possint vagentur et quam maximum hostibus terrorem inferant. Celeriter haec fama ac nuntiis ad Vercingetorigem perferuntur; quem perterriti omnes Arverni circumsistunt atque obsecrant, ut suis fortunis consulat, neve ab hostibus diripiautur, praesertim cum videat omne ad se bellum translatum. Quorum ille precibus per motus castra ex Biturigibus movet in Arveruos versus.

proficiscitur - 3rd plural perfect active indicative meaning to go into 
discludit - 3rd singular prefect active indicative meaning to be told 
impediebat - 3rd singular imperfect active indicative meaning to stop
pervenit - 3rd singular prefect active indicative meaning to go through 
existimabant - 3rd plural imperfect active indicative meaning to leave or exit 
patuerant - 3rd plural present active indicative meaning
imperat - 3rd singular present active indicative meaning to be important 

possint - 3rd singular perfect active indicative meaning to be able 
inferant - 3rd plural present active indicative meaning to cause 
perferuntur - 3rd plural present passive indicative meaning to prefer 
circumsistunt - 3rd plural present active indicative meaning to go around, to circle
obsecrant - 3rd plural present active indicative meaning to obscure 
consulat - 3rd singular present active indicative meaning to consult 
diripiautur - 3rd singular present passive indicative meaning to help 
videat - 3rd singular present active indicative meaning to see 
movet - 3rd singular present active indicative to move 

Translation : 
These things came together, Lucterious being repressed and being made remote, and he thought it would be dangerous to go into the roman garrison, he moved into the the land of the Helvii. The Cevenna, and the Arvennos and Helvii , and go through the snow of about 6 feet with the labor of his soldiers with never ending labor through the Arvernorum. 

1 comment:

  1. discludo- wrong
    pervenit- wrong
    existibmabant- wrong
    pautuerant- wrong
    inferant- wrong
    perferuntur- wrong
    obsecrant- wrong
    diripiautur- wrong

