Thursday, April 14, 2011

7.7 check

Interim Lucterius Cadurcus in Rutenos missus eam civitatem Arvernis conciliat. Progressus in Nitiobriges et Gabalos ab utrisque obsides accipit et magna coacta manu in provinciam Narbonem versus eruptionem facere contendit. Qua re nuntiata Caesar omnibus consiliis antevertendum existimavit, ut Narbonem proficisceretur. Eo cum venisset, timentes confirmat, praesidia in Rutenis provincialibus, Volcis Arecomicis, Tolosatibus circumque Narbonem, quae loca hostibus erant finitima, constituit; partem copiarum ex provincia supplementumque, quod ex Italia adduxerat, in Helvios, qui fines Arvernorum contingunt, convenire iubet.

conciliat -  3rd sg pres act ind meaning to bring together
accipit - 3rd sg pres act ind meaning to take without effort
contendit - 3rd sg pres act ind meaning to stretch
existimavit - 3rd sg perf act ind meaning to value
proficisceretur - 3rd sg imperf pass subj meaning to set forward
venisset - 3rd sg plup act subj meaning to come 
confirmat - 3rd sg pres act ind meaning to establish
erant - 3rd sg pres act ind meaning to be 
constituit - 3rd sg pres pass ind meaning 
adduxerat - 3rd sg pres act ind meaning 
contingunt - 3rd pl pres act ind meaning to happen
convenire - pres act inf meaning to resort 

In the mean time Lucterius the Cadurcan, is sent into the country of the Ruteni, gain over the state to the Arveni. Having marched into the nations of the Nitrobriges, and Gabali, he receives hostages from both nations, and assembling a large force, marches in the direction of the Narbo. Caesar, when the circumstances were told to him, his march on the Narbo was the most important to him. when he arrives he encourages the timid soldiers in the Ruteni, in the province of Volcoe Arecomicis, and the land around Narbo which was near the enemy, he orders a portion of the forces from the province and the recruits that he had brought to meet up along the Helvii who border the territory of the Arveni. 

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