Monday, March 15, 2010

Alexander the great

Did Alexander conquer Asia Minor, or did Asia Minor conquer Alexander. I believe that Alexander the Great conquered Asia Minor. Some reasons I believe that is because Alexander the Great fought many battles and he won almost all of them. Alexander suffered over 30 battle wounds a lived through all of them. If Alexander set his sight on conquering a certain people he did it. There was a single city that he couldn’t take. Even with the worst odds Alexander always found a way to overcome them.
                Alexander was one of the greatest generals of all time. He and his strategies are still studied to this day. His parents were Philip of Macedonia, and Olympia. Philip united Greece under the Macedonian flag. Alexander was tutored under the great philosopher Aristotle. He taught Alexander many of his strategies, and his way of governing. There is a story that says that as a boy Alexander’s mother told him that his real father wasn’t Philip but the god Zeus. This fueled many events that would happen during Alexander’s life.
                Philip of Macedonia would be murdered. When Alexander was just 19 years old he would come to power over Macedonia and all of Greece. The first thing Alexander did was to go and find the murderers of Philip. After he did that he wanted to take vengeance for what the Persians did in the Peloponnesian wars. So he set out for Asia Minor, specifically the city of troy. As soon as Alexander the Great hit the shores he declared that Asia Minor was his by right. Alexander fought his way down to Egypt where he was greeted as a liberator. The Egyptians treated him this way because they hated the Persians as much as the Greeks.
                While he was in Egypt the Egyptians proclaimed him as a pharaoh. Alexander was finally acknowledged as a god. He also when to a famous oracle that was known to be around their, Alexander wanted to find out if he truly was the son of Zeus. He got to the temple and asked his questions and the priest came out and greeted him as “Son of God.” Alexander now knew that he really was the son of the king of the Gods, Zeus. With that knowledge Alexander headed for the heart of Persia, he would take a short cut through the mountains to take the Persians by surprise. Alexander would conquer the city, and the Persian people betrayed Darious, specifically Besus, and killed him.
                Alexander then went hunting for Darious’ killers. Because the way he saw it was that he was now the leader of Persia and Those people killed the old Persian King, and the deserve justice. When Alexander reached Afghan he burned all his chariots so that they wouldn’t slow him down. Then Alexander went up the Khawak Pass to surprise Besus. Alexander used local guides to help him. If they were good they would be rewarded, if they mislead him they were killed. Alexander was totally concentrated on defeating Besus. 2 weeks into their journey they ran out of grain so they had to kill pack animals.
When Alexander finally caught up with Besus he had his ears and nose cut off and sent to Persia to face his crimes. Besus was impaled. That summer Alexander ran into a people that were very good on horses and use the hit and run method. You could say that that was one of the first cases in recorded history of guerilla warfare. Alexander suffered his first defeat against these horsemen. After that Alexander went on a search and destroy mission. He separated his army up to cover more ground. It ended in Samarkand. He married a young girl named Roxanne. You could say that he fell in love or that it was for political reasons.
In Punga Alexander suffered an arrow to the lung while he was on the walls. He would fully recover from that injury. Alexander’s last act in India was that Alexander built fortifications and a harbor he named Alexander’s harbor. In October Alexander headed home with his troops. Alexander chose a route through the desert to prove he could do it. They ran out of water and had to keep going without. Alexander’s men found a small amount of water and put it in a helmet and gave it to Alexander. Alexander poured out all the water to show that if everyone can’t drink no one can drink. Showing Alexander was still an Amazing leader.
Alexander’s wife would die later on, and Alexander was almost suicidal with grief. Many people were saying that Alexander’s days were numbered because he lost his will, and purpose. Alexander became obsessed with the omens. But he would wind up ignoring the most important one, the one that said not to go into Babylon. Alexander would get a fever while in Babylon. Alexander’s fever was slowly killing him. Alexander’s men found out about this a forced their way into the palace to see him. Alexander would die on the 10th of June.
Alexander conquered everything he set his mind to. And his men would follow without hesitation, until they grew tired of fighting. Alexander Conquered one of the biggest empires of their day. While he did that it also happened without a single defeat. His only defeat was when he fought the horse men. The only reason Alexander lost to them was because he had never seen that before. Even though he lost that one battle he continued marching forward. He just kept killing his resistance and becoming more power as he marched on.
I believe that Alexander conquered Asia Minor not only because he really did conquer all the land in Asia Minor, but that wasn’t good enough for him. Alexander kept pushing on to India. The only reason Alexander died was because of Malaria, an incurable illness at the time. If you would compare how well Alexander did, against his defeats you would truly see that Alexander conquered Asia Minor

1 comment:

  1. While there is obvious a lot of information here, without citations in proper MLA format to primary sources as well as reference/scholarly material, this really doesn't cut it.

    In addition, your continual use of first person and personal pronouns does not maintain academic tone. This reads not so much as a completed project as it does a rough draft.
