Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Roman Battles in the 2nd Century BC (part II)

  • 181 BC - Battle of Manlian Pass - Romans under Fulvius Flaccus defeat an army of Celtiberians.
  • 171 BC - Battle of Callicinus - Perseus of Macedon defeats a Roman army under Publius Licinius Crassus.
  • 168 BC, 22 June - Battle of Pydna - Romans under Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus defeat and capture Macedonian King Perseus, ending the Third Macedonian War
  • 148 BC - Second battle of Pydna - The forces of the Macedonian pretender Andriscus are defeated by the Romans under Quintus Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus in the decisive engagement of the Fourth Macedonian War
  • 146 BC -
    • Battle of Carthage ends: Scipio Africanus Minor captures and destroys Carthage, ending the Third Punic War
    • Battle of Corinth - Romans under Lucius Mummius defeat the Achaean League forces of Critolaus, who is killed. Corinth is destroyed and Greece comes under direct Roman rule.
  • 109 BC - Battle of the Rhone River - Roman force under Marcus Junius Silanus are defeated by the Helvetii
  • 108 BC - Battle of the Muthul - Roman forces under Caecilius Metellus fight indecisively against the forces of Jugurtha of Numidia
  • 107 BC - Battle near Burdigala - Roman forces under Lucius Cassius Longinus are defeated by the Helvetii
  • 105 BC, 6 October - Battle of Arausio - Cimbri inflict a major defeat on the Roman army of Gnaeus Mallius Maximus
  • 102 BC - Battle of Aquae Sextiae (modern Aix-en-Provence)- Romans under Gaius Marius defeat Teutons, with mass suicides among the captured women
  • 101 BC - Battle of Vercellae - Romans under Gaius Marius defeat the Cimbri, who are entirely annihilated.

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