Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Roman Battles in the 3rd century BC (part I)

  • 298 BC - Battle of Camerinum - Samnites defeat the Romans under Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus in the first battle of the Third Samnite War.
  • 297 BC - Battle of Tifernum - Romans under Quintus Fabius Maximus and Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus defeat the Samnite army led by Gellius Statius
  • 295 BC - Battle of Sentinum - Romans under Fabius Rullianus and Publius Decimus Mus defeat the Samnites and their Etruscan and Gallic allies, forcing the Etruscans, Gauls, and Umbrians to make peace
  • 293 BC - Battle of Aquilonia - Romans decisively defeat the Samnites.
  • 285 BC - Battle of Arretium - A Roman army under Lucius Caecilius is destroyed by the Gauls
  • 283 BC - Battle of Lake Vadimo - A Roman army under P. Cornelius Dolabella defeats the Etruscans and Gauls.
  • 282 BC - Battle of Populonia - Etruscan resistance to Roman domination of Italy is finally crushed.
  • 280 BC - Battle of Heraclea - First engagement of Roman and Greek armies, the latter led by Pyrrhus of Epirus, who is victorious, but at great cost.
  • 279 BC - Battle of Asculum - Pyrrhus again defeats the Romans but once again suffers significant casualties in the process.
  • 275 BC - Battle of Beneventum - Inconclusive encounter between Pyrrhus and the Romans under Manius Curius.
  • 261 BC - Battle of Agrigentum - Carthaginian forces under Hannibal Gisco and Hanno are defeated by the Romans, that attain control of most of Sicily.
  • 260 BC –
    • Battle of the Lipari Islands - A Roman naval force is defeated by the Carthaginians
    • Battle of Mylae - A Roman naval force under C. Duillius defeats the Carthaginian fleet, giving Rome control of the western Mediterranean.
  • 258 BC - Battle of Sulci - Minor Roman victory against the Carthaginian fleet near Sardinia.
  • 257 BC - Battle of Tyndaris - Naval victory of Rome over Carthage in Sicilian waters.

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