Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Roman Battles in the 1st Century BC (part II)

  • 58 BC -
    • June - Battle of the Arar (Saône) - Caesar defeats the migrating Helvetii
    • July - Battle of Bibracte - Caesar again defeats the Helvetians, this time decisively.
    • September - Caesar decisively defeats the forces of the Germanic chieftain Ariovistus near modern Belfort
  • 57 BC -
    • Battle of the Axona (Aisne) - Caesar defeats the forces of the Belgae under King Galba of Suessiones.
    • Battle of the Sabis (Sambre) - Caesar defeats the Nervii
  • 53 BC - Battle of Carrhae - Roman triumvir Crassus is disastrously defeated and killed by the Parthians. Crassus has molten gold poured down his throat by his captors. Starts the 500 years of Roman-Persian Wars.
  • 52 BC - Battle of Alesia - Caesar defeats the Gallic rebel Vercingetorix, completing the Roman conquest of Gallia Comata.
  • 49 BC -
    • June - Battle of Ilerda - Caesar's army surround Pompeian forces and cause them to surrender.
    • 24 August - Battle of the Bagradas River - Caesar's general Gaius Curio is defeated in North Africa by the Pompeians under Attius Varus and King Juba I of Numidia. Curio commits suicide.
  • 48 BC -
    • 10 July - Battle of Dyrrhachium - Caesar barely avoids a catastrophic defeat by Pompey in Macedonia
    • 9 August - Battle of Pharsalus - Caesar decisively defeats Pompey, who flees to Egypt
  • 47 BC -
    • February - Battle of the Nile - Caesar defeats the forces of the Egyptian king Ptolemy XIII
    • May - Battle of Zela - Caesar defeats Pharnaces II of Pontus. This is the battle where he famously said Veni, vidi, vici. (I came, I saw, I conquered.)

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