Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Roman Battles in the 2nd Century BC

  • 198 BC - Battle of the Aous - Roman forces under Titus Quinctius Flamininus defeat the Macedonians under Philip V
  • 197 BC - Battle of Cynoscephalae - Romans under Flamininus decisively defeats Philip in Thessaly
  • 194 BC -
    • Battle of Placentia - Roman victory over the Boian Gauls
    • Battle of Gythium - With some Roman assistance, Philopoemen of the Achaean League defeats the Spartans under Nabis
  • 193 BC - Battle of Mutina - Roman victory over the Boii, decisively ending the Boian threat.
  • 191 BC - Battle of Thermopylae - Romans under Manius Acilius Glabrio defeat Antiochus III the Great and force him to evacuate Greece
  • 190 BC -
    • Battle of the Eurymedon - Roman forces under Lucius Aemilius Regillus defeat a Seleucid fleet commanded by Hannibal, fighting his last battle.
    • Battle of Myonessus - Another Seleucid fleet is defeated by the Romans
    • December, Battle of Magnesia - (near Smyrna) Romans under Lucius Cornelius Scipio and his brother Scipio Africanus Major defeat Antiochus III the Great in the decisive victory of the war.
  • 189 BC -
    • Battle of Mount Olympus - Romans under Gnaeus Manlius Vulso allied with Attalus II of Pergamum deliver a crushing defeat to an army of Galatian Gauls
    • Battle of Ancyra - Gnaeus Manlius Vulso and Attalus II defeat the Galatian Gauls again before Ancyra, in what was an almost identical repeat of the Battle of Mount Olympus.

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